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Monday, March 31, 2008

Earning decent cash flows from online surveys

Many companies belonging to research, Product development, Services Conduct surveys to evaluate the opinion of the people in various ways. Survey is one among them which is helpful in providing realistic solutions to the business systems. Survey is just a Questionaire in which it tends to find out the pulse of the people.

Companies tend to perform a survey when

  1. Trying to introduce a new Product into the global Market.
  2. Evaluate the consumer pulse in a new niche .
  3. Tends to find out the consumer confidence on competitive products.
  4. Tends to find out the user opinion in existing systems.
  5. A way to find out the feeback of the newly introduced product or Service.
  6. A socialistic approach to a general Problem.

A lot of Business schools started surveys a long way back. Previously it was used to be a paper based survey.As the Popularity of web increased online survey systems were introduced. Online Surveys became very popular due to their low cost, transperancy, Speed, Blending, globalisation.

So lot of firms shifted their route from manual paper based surveys to online surveys. Companies spent millions of dollars on online surveys to gather data on customer opinions.People inside US almost left their jobs to earn money from online surveys before dotcom crash in 2001. It was the time where spam has entered into online survey system.

How the Online Survey system works

Companies create the questionaire and provides them to dot com survey companies and sets a price for each survey. The survey companies transform these questionaire into an online form and does all the marketing to reach the people. People who are registered with the survey companies earn a share by providing their opinions.

Today a lot of Survey companies have evolved, Most of them being considered as a spam. People dropping out in these companies loose the confidence of earning money from an online survey. So we have done a lot of research and testing to provide u with a set of good and real survey systems from where u can earn money.

Previously the people inside the us have only the chance of earning good money from online surveys.Now-a-days people from every corner of the world can earn decent money from a online surveys.

Before trying to open a new account with any survey system u need a pay pal or e-gold account

Survey Savvy

One of the premier Survey sites on the internet. It offers you money for completing surveys, there is no minimum payment amount (so you can request payment as soon as you receive money) & the check is mailed to your address. The incentive for completing surveys is typically $4-$25 for each survey. You also receive cash for each survey your referrals complete.


Yahoo! offers a wide variety of surveys, studies & focus groups. You can receive $50 or more depending on the type of research. The credibility of Yahoo! is an added advantage.

Harris Poll
Harris Poll offer dual incentives for completing surveys. For each survey you complete you will receive HI Points & you will also be entered into a sweepstakes. The HI Points can be converted to many gifts & gift vouchers. The sweepstakes winners will be sent the cash/prizes by mail. The frequency of surveys is quite good & the incentives (points) are also good. The credibility of this programme is very good. Harris Poll is available in Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, UK & US.

BuzzBack is one of the Pioneer’s of online surveys. Its pays good incentives though the frequency of surveys is average. Incentives are Cash, sweepstakes, gift certificates, etc.

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